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Diskuze k článku Jak se natáčelo dračí inferno ve Hře o trůny?

příspěvky 1 - 6 Napsat příspěvek
Dost možná zatím nejlepší "making of" video, jaký jsem kdy viděl. :D
Dost možná zatím nejlepší "making of" video, jaký jsem kdy viděl. *:D*
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Tak to je spis zajimavost, to mi na tom serialu vadi nejmin ;)
Tak to je spis zajimavost, to mi na tom serialu vadi nejmin ;)
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Nemudruj a nefrfli furt, ty hnidopich:D

"The wyvern has often been confused with the dragon, due to the similarities between them and due to the wyvern being a lesser-known mythical creature. In the Middle Ages, no clear distinction was made between the two. Since the sixteenth century, in English, Scottish, and Irish heraldry, the key distinction has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four; however, this distinction is not generally observed in the heraldry of other European countries, where two-legged dragons are entirely acceptable."
Nemudruj a nefrfli furt, ty hnidopich*:D* "The wyvern has often been confused with the dragon, due to the similarities between them and due to the wyvern being a lesser-known mythical creature. In the Middle Ages, no clear distinction was made between the two. Since the sixteenth century, in English, Scottish, and Irish heraldry, the key distinction has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four; however, this distinction is not generally observed in the heraldry of other European countries, where two-legged dragons are entirely acceptable."
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A je vam jasny, ze jeden z nejvetsich podvodu GoT je ten, ze tam nejsou vubec zadni draci ale jen nejaky wyverny :)):D
A je vam jasny, ze jeden z nejvetsich podvodu GoT je ten, ze tam nejsou vubec zadni draci ale jen nejaky wyverny *:))**:D*
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Edna casem mozna. Videacesky casem mozna
Edna casem mozna. Videacesky casem mozna
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Je to někde s českými titulky?
Je to někde s českými titulky?
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